How to…
- First you’ll need WinZip or another program that can handle zip-files.
- Be sure you have read the included Readme file(s) for more details before you go ahead and install anything.
- To place the BAT building in the game unzip the files into the following directory on your computer C:\My Documents\SimCity 4\Plugins\ (or corresponding Plugins folder) and start SimCity 4.
- There you go! You should now see it in-game. Be sure to turn up graphic settings to maximum as some modifications require that.
Please note that we cannot guarantee that the modification will work on your copy of SimCity 4. It is possible but unlikely that some of the mods will be sensitive to changes made by official patches and/or if you have the expansion installed or not (included in SimCity 4 Deluxe Edition). SimCity Central can not be hold responsible for any damage this can bring to your game. If anything out of the ordinary happens remove all mods and if that doesn’t help re-install SimCity4.
Questions should be directed to our LET, BAT and Custom Graphics forum. Enjoy!