IGN Dives Into Societies


IGN got a demonstration of SimCity Societies the other day by EA’s Rachel Bernstein, who is the lead producer of the game. The sneak peak mentions many of the new features included; such as the effects of social energies and certain buildings.

For instance, you put enough Creativity buildings down and you might see street lights turn into candy cane street lights. Placing tons of Obedience structures in the area will eventually turn those lights into security cameras which help complete the big brother feel.

Along with the two-page preview comes the very first live video from the game.

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SimCity Societies Press Release

There can be no doubt anymore that a new SimCity is underway. Yesterday EA announced the game in a press release in which they are dubbing it SimCity Societies. The game will feature a new versatile city-builder that will allow us to combine over 350 building parts from the start to achieve […]