*NEWSFLASH* SimCity Reborn!


Is this the news we have been waiting for? According to British Gaming Blog the next issue of Games For Windows will feature an exclusive article called ‘SimCity Reborn’.

Between Editor in Chief Jeff Green’s blog “I’m not allowed to tell you what it is yet, but will be posting the cover next Friday, jeebus willing. Suffice it to say it’s the new game in one of PC gaming’s oldest franchises–a series w/bazillions of fans” and the teaser for next month’s issue “We take a world exclusive first look at the revival of a classic PC series. Which one? Sorry, we’re big teases like that”, you could assume they have something big up their sleeves.

Are you EXCITED?!

Thanks to Sebastien for first bringing this to our attention.

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Downloads BAT

How to… First you’ll need WinZip or another program that can handle zip-files.  Be sure you have read the included Readme file(s) for more details before you go ahead and install anything.  To place the BAT building in the game unzip the files into the following directory on your computer C:\My Documents\SimCity 4\Plugins\ (or […]